Using Forums in ARK

The forum activity in ARK provides a key method of communication for students and lecturers and can be used in a number of ways.

Profile settings for forums (site-wide)

You can update settings for the way in which you receive posts from forums.

You may see posts from the ARK User Support unit or another unit because you have a profile setting that requests this.

If you wish to change this, in ARK, from within a unit or the home page, go to the Administration tab, select “My Profile Settings”. You will see an option for “Forum auto-subscribe”. You can change this so that you do or don’t receive posts from forums.

(You can always visit a unit that you are able to access to check forums.)

Note that in some units in which you are enrolled, forums will be set up so that you must see the postings.

You can also change the Forum Digest Type and whether you get alerts about new forum posts (Forum Tracking).

Profile settings for forums (per unit)

Each ARK unit by default has a single announcements or news forum

Last modified December 10, 2024: merge updated UMS help video links (b6521ae)