Student Unit Evaluations

What are the Student Unit Evaluations?

The University values student feedback on the quality of learning experiences. Student feedback is collected systematically through the administration of Student Unit Evaluations (SUEs) in a manner which preserves student anonymity and confidentiality.

Every student enrolled for credit is given the opportunity anonymously and confidentially to complete a Student Unit Evaluation for each coursework unit of study undertaken at the University.

Student unit evaluation data is collected for all units of study at the University and analysed by the Academic Board and College Academic Committees.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is there a Student Unit Evaluation for each of my units?

If you are an enrolled student for credit, the University appreciates your feedback for the improvement and development of units and their delivery.

Q: How do I access the survey?

The survey link requires you to login to ARK, the University Learning Management System. Start here: Your unit link(s) will appear on your dashboard.

It may be that the survey is now closed as the three-week survey period elapsed. This three-week period is from the last session of teaching until the last assessment piece is due.

It may also be that you need to advise that you have changed your email address. If you have changed your email address during the semester, please contact your College and they can let the University know of the change.

Q: What is in the survey questions?

The survey is divided into two sections - questions 1 to 8 and questions 9 to 10

Qustions 1-8

There are eight quantitative questions, with radio buttons to press. Groups of questions have headings to explain what kind of responses are requested.

Questions 1-4 These questions that evaluate the quality of the unit

  • 1 In this unit, I developed general competencies (e.g. communication, interpersonal and problem-solving skills).
  • 2 In this unit, I developed knowledge and skills in the defined area of study.
  • 3 The unit was engaging and encouraged my participation.
  • 4 I participated actively in online or face-to-face activities.

Questions 5-6 These questions are about the unit delivery quality

  • 5 The lecturer(s) provided clear and timely information about learning (e.g. resources, activities and expected outcomes).
  • 6 The teaching had a clear purpose which contributed to my learning.
  • 7 The lecturer(s) gave me helpful feedback that supported my learning.

Question 8 This question is about the unit resources quality

  • 8 Resources were provided to support my learning (e.g. ARK, Library Hub, Wi-Fi, library).

These questions are scored for responses between

  • 1 Strongly Disagree
  • 2 Disagree
  • 3 Agree
  • 4 Strongly Agree
  • _ Not Applicable

Questions 9 and 10

The next two questions are qualitative requiring keystrokes (up to 500 characters)

  • What aspects of this unit did you find helpful?
  • What would you recommend to improve this unit in the future?

Q: Who do I talk to about this survey if I have any questions?

Your Colleges can direct you to the appropriate leader or administrator on how to use the survey, ARK or if you would like to discuss the questions

Last modified December 10, 2024: merge updated UMS help video links (b6521ae)